Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kindergarten here we come!

Today is a special day. It was Preston's first day of Kindergarten. We are SO ready for it too! I barely got a goodbye out of him and I was informed that I was NOT allowed to give him any kisses. What has happened to my little baby boy?

Friday, August 22, 2014

3rd Grade... Here we come!!!

We've had an amazing summer filled with horse shows, swimming, sleep overs, s'mores, boating, camping and a LOT of giggles. But, summer has come to an end for this fam. My little Kylie bug starts the 3rd grade today. She is VERY excited!

I decided last minute to put this together. I used a $1.99 clipboard from Wal-Mart. Painted it with Chalkboard spray paint and went to work...